Sunday, September 26, 2010

First complete day in Haiti

Samaritan's Purse has 2 bases, one at the Global Outreach campus, and the other at all old resort called JAX beach. Today we took the 2 hour voyage from the GO campus to JAX beach. With every trip I mark my territory, and I did again today! I got motion sick. I have got sick every place I have visited for the last 6 years, Burkina Faso, Hawaii, Detroit just to name a few. I took an anti nausea and it has sedated me for the whole entire day. I guess when I jumped out of the van to puke on the road side the Haitians were running up to me to see stuff until they saw the results! lol!

We arrived to JAX beach at it's quite the upgrade to where we stayed last night. We are now staying in air conditioned tents, with the Alantic Ocean in the backyard. Today since I was already tired I splurged on a gluten diet. Tomorrow I will take my almonds and Bumble Bee bars out with me to eat. My prayer requests right now are for my physical well being. I get motions sickness horribly, and the pot hole roads make it worse. Up until lunch today there were always lots of gluten free things for me to eat. Unlucky for me, they served chicken on the bone today. I love chicken, but I am a very picky finicky meat eater, and I can't do meat on the bone. Finally with my body trying to reorient it to a day shift has posed it's challenges since I woke up at 1am last night and laid there for atleast a couple hours, and then slept all day today due to the sedative I was on. I pray I get a good nights sleep tonight.

As I've gone through the day I've remembered the little things I've learned since I've been here that I want to mention, so that I don't forget the details of this trip later. Cite Du Soleil is a place where there is a clinic, and it's the 3rd most dangerous city in the world. We also drove by a cruise ship port today. We were told that cruise ships drop people off and tell them that it's a different island than it really is. Maybe I mentioned this before, but they said that since there are no road laws buses loads of people will be going down the highway 60mph going through a city holding down the horn for other cars and people to move out of the way and don't give any way themselves. 2 buses before have collided with each other at these speeds and dead bodies flew everywhere, because neither bus would give way to the other. We have been told that if we come upon an accident to flee the scene, especially if we are involved, because riots can start. In America we are taught this is wrong, but here it's for our safety. Also Haiti is expected to have another earthquake in the next 90 days with a magnitude of 5.1 or above. There is an excellent safety and security team here that have a good handle on what is going on around us.

Overall Haiti is a very beautiful country with great potential for tourism. Unfortunately it's the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and all systems here have collapsed. My question is where would anyone begin to straighten out the problems when every single system is corrupt in this country?
I'll post the link to the tour of the compound later.

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