Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Baylor Garland

I have been meaning to give my last thoughts on my first nursing assignment.

Baylor Garland is not like the big 700+ bed hospitals I am used to working in, but they do a lot to cater to the happiness of their employees. Their employees get to take vacation time for a month at a time. Each month they provide a mid month meal on Thursdays and Saturdays for their employees, which I found to be nice to not have to make supper for a night. When I locked myself out of my car in the parking lot, Baylor picked up the tab.

The nurse manager that hired me retired, but was the sweetest boss I had ever known. I didn't think anyone would come close to filling her shoes. My experience is that most bosses aren't that nice. Then when the 2nd one came along she was just as pleasant. She was very nice to me upon my exit!!!!

Overall I found most of the patients to be very pleasant! Maybe its the southern hospitality, but Texas was very nice this summer!

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