Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Final thoughts on trip to Haiti.......

What astonished me the most is the level of commitment of the Haitians to themselves. After coming upon the accident our Haitian doctor insisted on going to the hospital with one of the unconscious men. He said, "This is my country!" as if us Americans shouldn't be responsible for their people. The following day one of the translators who was dropped off before the accident thanked me for helping the Haitian people. I don't think you'd hear this from an American to an international. I didn't choose the country I was born in, nor did the Haitians. I don't understand why God chose for me to be born in the wealthiest country in the world, but regardless we are all part of the human race. God says that whether Jew or Gentile, slave or free we will all be judged the same. I would never say "They aren't an American! They aren't an Iowan! They are a Cyclone so I won't help them!" I don't perceive it as a choice. There is only one choice in the matter, even when you don't like that choice! I was put in a position inwhich I didn't want to be present. I could have stayed in the car and did nothing, but God is that conscience that lies inside of me that would never allow me to do such a thing!

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