Thursday, July 22, 2010

How to sleep during the day.

I have tried everything to help me sleep on the night shift......melatonin, eye mask, dark room, wearing sunglasses when getting off work, and the latest being L-Tryptophan from the health food store. In the end what works the best for me is Benadryl. Without the Benadryl I wake up after 4-5 hours and can't fall back to sleep although I'm still tired. My bedroom at this apartment is a room with white shades, which means that the room is well lit during the day. The only dark rooms in my apartment is the bathroom and the food pantry/laundry room. So I went to Wally World, bought myself an air matress, and put it in my food pantry then shut the door. The room is pitch black and with the help of Benadryl I get good quality sleep. This past week I've been able to sleep in my bedroom with the Benadryl alone, which is a plus since it's a nice comfortable bed. I tell everyone I sleep in a closet. Here's the picture of my sleeping quarters before the door is shut.

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