Thursday, May 6, 2010

Southern Hospitality

More than just a coined phrase we use in the North. It actually exists!

Last week I was getting ready to cross the street. There were no cars around, until I decided I was going to cross the street. I was waiting on the side until a truck passed by then I was safe to cross. But instead the truck stopped to let me cross first.

The other day I got off at my bus stop and asked the girl sitting at the stop where the other bus stopped at. She took the time, walked me down a path, to show me where the stop was.

I had the rental car place take me home after dropping off the car and the guy got the door for me like they do when you are on a date.

At the end of my first shift the nurse manager on the unit that I am working took me all the way out to the bus stop, because she wanted to make sure I found it and got there in time. Wow!

Whenever I am walking there are countless number of people that stop to ask me if I want a ride. I thought it was strange until one of the bus drivers in his 50s or 60s told me that when he was young they always stopped to ask a lady if she needed a ride. In the Midwest we get suspicious about this, but here it's the norm.

I'm sure there have been and will be many more of these stories to share as I remember and encounter them.

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